Saturday, May 31, 2008

first glimpse. Window peek inside !

...a fragment of my childhood imaginations, SAPiZNATiON...
A nation where everything went my way. It used to be my own, very private paradise. I used to sit alone for long hours, adding & editing the different rules of this place. Priorities kept changing. Started off with No Schools (…guess that rule remained), but lots of lunch-breaks. Lots of puppies as pets, because I was not allowed to have one. In fact, I kept a puppy for three months, before it was eaten by my Khasi friend, whom I paid well to take care of that small angel, while I was away on a vacation with my parents to my granny’s place in Silchar, a small town in Assam. I guess the temptation was too much to resist. Even I couldn’t resist my temptation to break his balls, after I returned. I haven’t mentioned but I’m from Shillong (we call it the Scotland of the east), the capital of Meghalaya. I was born there & I grew up in this beautiful land in the laps of the green-mountains.
Cricket was compulsory for all in SAPiZNATiON, and no one objected to breaking windowpanes. For each broken pane, the neighbors gave a big chocolate bar to the person responsible. Slowly fag, music & girls also started contributing to the picture. In my nation I could come home immediately after smoking (which I started pretty early...class 4 if I remember correctly), without even needing any mint to cover the odor. Girls were sober, they didn’t scream and they didn’t irritate. I was sick of seeing those crazy girls around my home & school, so this rule was unavoidable. Everyone loved rock n’ roll in SAPiZNATiON. Even the church & our morning school assembly contained of choir versions of my favorite rock numbers of pink floyd, the beatles, metallica, megadeth & even limpbizkit. I remember imagining californication & rollin’ in choirs.
...and in my SAPiZNATiON, I never had to leave my friends, my school, my town, my Shillong.
Priorities did change after all. SAPiZNATiON kept fading out after I was forced to leave Shillong ( dad got transferred to Barrackpore). It almost disappeared from my mind within days in the new place & school, & among new friends. A year back, I found my super-secret diary from those days. It contained all kinds of crap, mainly doodles & symbols of bands & skulls & cross-bones, sketches of my pals, puppy (may god rest his digested soul) & a few really absurd songs that I wrote (which included a Hindi translation of ‘Nothing Else Matters’, & an English translation of ‘Ek Ajnabi Hasina Se’, which my friend, Avinash & I wrote after our Class X board examination). The memories related to SAPiZNATiON kept coming back since then. And it keeps coming out whenever I’m alone, whenever I feel screwed-up, whenever things wouldn’t go my way. Maybe I’m not as imaginative now, as I was before. Previously I just needed to make some amendments to my nation & I would feel that my problems are all gone. Now I don’t have that option, but it does provide me with a visual, almost movie experience to how exactly I should approach ( turns out to be bogus thou, almost always), and that’s why I’d like to keep a blog of all the weird things that I go through, it may not be much philosophical...but well...let’s see!
Welcome to SAPiZNATiON !

17:46 11-01-2010
[ what's ds krap al 'bout??? cant blve i evr wrote such non-crafty lies to start somethin.. !!  sheesh! ] :o


  1. Hey Nice way to describe urself buddy and the blog created is awesome man..........The most intrestin thing that Of this is u pic man......ur lookin choooooo chweeettt

  2. gr8 blog....brot back so many memoriez...i cud relate to sum of d stuff...creatin a diff world in our mindz n stayin in it...sumtimz itz soo difficult yet whn d world turnz hostile,dtz our only refuge..itz sch a nice feelin to mek yr own rulez 4 a change...2 liv yr life in yr own see drmz n nt to thnk abt worryin dt de'll disappear whn u wake up..
    wht i likd best ws dt u'v been tru to yrself n frankly sed all u wntd...itz as if u put yr stream of consciousness on paper n it flowed uninterruptd...danke 4 nt bein pretentious like d rest of d fuckin world...
    i'v alredy told u abt d memories dt cem rushin agn...der r soo many mch pain inside...i'm a bit scared dt maybe gettin to kno d real u here n relatin to yr life mite open my sumtimz i feel i wnt to...i wnt to tell u all abt me...evrythn dt i thot i hd n den i lost..flyin without wingz n den crashin to reality...dunno wht good dt'll do 2 either of u cn see i'm a vry confused soul...
    n yaaa,d pic'z rely cool...
    waitin 4 more gory stuff 4m do keep givin me my food 4 thot....

  3. When ever I see you I get jealous to see how cool you can be at the most difficult of times.
    You are mistery to me. And I hope this blog will help me know about you.
    I never thought that this devil was an angel at heart when young.
    Keep blogging. Want to know more about you.

  4. yo, great write man.wit,humour,sensitivity, the right mix of all and a true reflection of your effervescent personality. looking forward to more....

  5. hey der...rely nice 2, casual wid a young feel bt a vry passionate write up..."passionate reviews" may i say..hehee....u blong 2 a real cul place....lots f wsnt d sam wid me so i luv fredem lik a fish luvs wtr..stupid den d pic is chweeeet nd it brings bak memories f my bachpan tho it ws difrnt, it ws uniq jst lik evrybdy else's is...:-)
